Diamond Engagement Rings and Facebook: How to Do It

Your man finally proposed with a diamond engagement ring, and you couldn’t be happier. You’re thrilled to begin this new journey with the love of your life, and you want to let your family and friends know just how he proposed!

Your first instinct might be to post a picture of your diamond engagement ring on your favorite social media site, like Facebook. But before you get out that digital camera, take a moment to read this article – because we’re about to show you that there’s a right way to approach Tell Your Closest Family Members and Friends In Real Life

Yes, posting pictures of your new diamond engagement ring on Facebook is certainly the most efficient way to let the world know you’re engaged. But there are certain members of your social circle who won’t appreciate finding out through Facebook: your closest family members and friends.

Becoming engaged is a special moment that your closest loved ones want to be a part of. Therefore, before you post anything online, make sure that you’ve called your loved ones before you post a Facebook status update. That way, you won’t get any hurt messages from best friends and aunts who didn’t appreciate finding out through their Facebook feed!

Make Your Facebook Post Unique

Many women post pictures of their new diamond engagement rings with a status that says, “I’m engaged!” But here at 25karats.com, we think there’s a more interesting way to let the world know you’re engaged. Our inspiration? Beyoncé, who wordlessly told the public she was pregnant by silently cradling her baby bump.

Try this on for size: hold out your hand with your diamond engagement ring firmly in place, and take a picture of it. Now post the picture on Facebook without any labels, descriptions, or other words hinting at your newly engaged status. You’ll have a blast watching as your social circle slowly discovers you’re engaged. Just make sure you clear your schedule for the day, because you’ll have plenty of excited calls from well-wishers!

Enjoy Every Moment With Your Man

Being newly engaged is an exciting time, and there will be plenty of people who will want to ask dozens of questions about your diamond engagement ring and potential wedding plans. But don’t feel like you need to respond to everyone on Facebook, or be permanently chained to your mobile phone. Don’t be afraid to shut off your technology and sneak away for private moments with your new fiancé!