Proposing To Your Man? Here’s How to Do It

While 2012 may be a Leap Year, that doesn’t mean you have to wait for February 29th to propose to your man. Irish tradition may dictate that women are only allowed to propose on this special day, but 2012 has also seen an influx of a new trend: women proposing to men.

Whether you’re sick of waiting for your boyfriend to bite the bullet, or you want to make the ultimate grand gesture, proposing to your man can be an exciting, anxious, and nerve-wracking moment. But not to worry – if you want to sweep your man off his feet with your marriage proposal, here’s how to do it:

Shop for a Wedding Band

Many women opt to propose to their boyfriends with a wedding band. If you want to put an interesting yet traditional spin on the engagement ring, opt for a 14K wedding band with a single diamond solitaire. If your man isn’t a diamond type of guy, don’t worry: you can still offer him a gold plain band with your anniversary date etched in the metal, or propose with a trendy and cool band in contemporary metals such as titanium, cobalt or Argentine silver. Let your proposal be an opportunity to unleash your creative side!

Play It Low-Key

Proposing to your man is a very romantic gesture – but chances are that he won’t want it to be as public as, say, a proposal in Madison Square Garden. While more women are opting to propose to their boyfriends, many men still believe in the traditional role of the man proposing to the woman. Therefore, swap the proposal in the middle of your favorite restaurant for something more secluded and intimate, like a walk on your favorite beach or during a candlelit dinner at home. Remember, men like romance just as much as women do!

Consider Your Ring!

Many women who’ve proposed to their significant others often say that their fiancés insist on buying them a diamond engagement ring after the proposal. Therefore, if you’re going to propose to your man, make it easy on the probably-flustered man: have a set idea in mind of your dream diamond engagement ring. That way, you’ll be on the fast-track towards getting a ring of your own, so you can show it off to all your friends and family members!

Proposing to your man is an exciting and romantic moment – make sure to enjoy every moment of it!