engagement ring wedding band

Do You Wear Your Engagement Ring On Your Wedding Day?

Do you hear that?

The wedding bells are quickly approaching! As your wedding day draws nearer, you may be wondering yourself, “Do you wear your engagement ring on your wedding day?” If so, then you’re in luck because we’ve got some insights for you to consider.

The reality is that like most “wedding customs,” your wedding day is entirely up to you! This includes the decision of whether or not to wear your engagement ring.

If you want to wear your engagement ring on your wedding day, then that’s perfectly fine! If you don’t, that is okay as well.

What Is Traditional Engagement Ring Etiquette? 

If tradition is important to you because of symbolism and sentimentality, then consider wearing the engagement ring on your right hand on your wedding day.

This leaves the ring finger on your left hand free for the vows and the exchanging of the rings. By following this tradition, your wedding ring will go on your ring finger first and will be the ring closest to your heart. This symbolizes your eternal and heartfelt love for one another.

After the wedding, you can then transfer the engagement ring from your right hand over to your left hand. On one side, your wedding band will be as close to your heart as possible, while on the other side, the wedding band is protected by the engagement ring. This symbolizes not only your sacred love, but your commitment to protecting and nourishing that love forever!

Is It Bad Luck to Wear an Engagement Ring On Your Wedding Day?

No! It is not bad luck to wear your engagement ring on your wedding day.

This idea comes from misconceptions surrounding wedding traditions. In most cases, people simply don’t want to engage in improper wedding etiquette, so they tend to be extra cautious. However, your wedding day is yours, so you should do what is meaningful for both you and your partner.

Don’t Forget About Bridal Sets!

Bridal sets are when engagement rings are paired and bought together with a wedding band. These rings are designed to be stackable (worn together) and enhance the beauty and dazzle of the other ring.

Many couples prefer bridal sets because they keep things simple and convenient. Rather than having to shop for two separate rings, you can purchase both at the same time, and rest assured that they will work well when worn together! Plus, bridal sets are generally much more cost-effective compared to purchasing an engagement ring or wedding band separately.

Just like matching wedding bands, bridal sets maintain a visual theme for consistency, quality, and stunning symbolism that will last throughout your marriage.

4 Times When You Should Not Wear an Engagement Ring

Now that we’ve established that it’s perfectly acceptable to wear your engagement ring on your wedding day, here are five scenarios we recommend not wearing your engagement ring:

  1. When you go to the gym (as gym equipment can scratch or damage the ring).
  2. When you’re cleaning the house.
  3. When you go swimming, especially in a lake.
  4. When you’re cooking or baking.

By taking your engagement ring off during these times, you can make sure it stays safe and brilliant for years to come!