Want to Engrave Your Wedding Rings?

When it comes to wedding ring trends, nothing is more popular – or more sentimental – then wedding ring engraving. Ring engraving doesn’t just give you a unique spin on a traditional wedding band; it allows you and your partner to privately express meaningful and poetic words that perfectly illustrate your love for one another.

However, when it comes to wedding ring engraving, many couples aren’t sure where to start. Should they ask the jeweler about their engraving services, or do they have to find a specific artisan to do that? How long does wedding ring engraving take? What if you want to engrave more than a few words on the band?

If wedding ring engraving makes your head spin, then you’re in luck: this article will guide you through the wonderful, sentimental and fascinating world of wedding ring engraving:

10 Days is the Safe Bet. While there’s no standard rule for the amount of time it takes to engrave a wedding band, leaving thirty or more days between now and your wedding day is a safe bet. Some jewelers can engrave your wedding band in just a few hours, while other services require a 10 days to complete the engraving. If you want to ensure that your engraving meets your tastes – not to mention arrives in time for the wedding – then leave at least 10 days for wedding band engraving.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask. Plenty of independent and chain jewelers offer wedding ring engraving services, even if it’s not advertised in the store. If you’re interested in engraving, ask your jeweler if he or she provides the surface. You’ll often be surprised at what they can offer you by asking the right questions. Don’t forget to find out how long the engraving process takes!

Machine or Hand Engraving? For those couples on a budget, wedding band engraving doesn’t have to be a major expense – especially if you opt for machine engraving. As a general rule of thumb, machine engraving costs around $1 per character (this includes spaces); however, the font type you select can also determine the final cost of the engraving. If you have a little extra money in your wedding budget to play around with, you can opt for hand engraving, which costs up to five times that of machine engraving. A hand engraving will give your wedding rings a more personal touch, and can also give you a more specific ring engraving.

Wedding band engraving is a sentimental way of ensuring that your special union is celebrated long after the day of your nuptials.