After the Diamond Engagement Ring: Engagement Party Etiquette

Your dream diamond engagement ring is on your finger, and you’ve been showing off your rock to anyone that crosses your path. You’re so thrilled to finally be marrying the man of your dreams that you’ve forgotten to consider one major hurdle before the actual wedding ceremony:

The engagement party.

The thought of having a party to celebrate your life might make you jump for joy, but be wary – there’s a host of potential etiquette blunders that could set a negative tone in the run-up to your wedding. Now that you have your diamond engagement ring, here’s the engagement party etiquette you need to know:

1. You’re not allowed to throw your own engagement party – period. The engagement party must be offered by one of your relatives, or your sweetheart’s relatives. Similarly, a close and generous friend could offer to host the party. No matter who offers, the couple is not allowed to host their own party, as this can be seen as tacky and greedy. If no one offers, consider dropping a subtle hint to your parents. After all, that’s what family is for.

2. If you’re wondering whether you should have an engagement party at all, consider this general rule of thumb: if your wedding is more than a year away, you’re good to go. If, however, you’re getting married in just a few months, an engagement party is unnecessary and inconvenient for your guests. Remember, it has nothing to do with you – and everything to do with etiquette, time constraints and considerations for your friends and family members.

3. If you’re at your engagement ring party, feel free to show off that gorgeous diamond engagement ring (after all, that’s what it’s there for!). But it’s proper etiquette to ensure that the party’s primary focus is to introduce both sides of the family to each other. Therefore, make sure that all of your attention is on introducing his mother to your cousins, or your friends to his brothers. That way, everyone will feel completely comfortable with each other by the time the wedding rolls around – and that’s certainly a recipe for an awesome reception.

Remember, the engagement party has its own set of rules and etiquette that doesn’t necessarily apply to the wedding. However, never forget the ultimate rules of the party: relax, enjoy your close friends and family members, and show off that beautiful diamond engagement ring!