How To Shop For A Wedding Ring

For many newly engaged couples, shopping for a wedding ring can be an exciting yet intimidating experience. After all, you’ve finally found the person that you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with, and you want to make sure that your wedding rings symbolize exactly how deep and committed your love is for one another. Yet if shopping for an engagement ring wasn’t harrowing enough, buying a wedding ring for your groom or bride-to-be incorporates a whole new set of rules – and if you don’t know what you should be looking out for, that beautiful ring can tarnish or even break years down the road!

So how do you shop for a wedding ring that will last as long as your marriage? Don’t worry – we’ve gathered the ultimate tips and techniques on finding and buying that precious ring, so you can focus on your big day with one less worry!

Decide On A Design. To some, a wedding ring is simply that: a gold, silver or platinum band that is fitted for the ring finger. However, to others, a wedding ring is the opportunity to define and express just what makes the relationship special. In this respect, many couples opt for unique designs that indicate heritage (such as Celtic wedding bands) or rings that include significant quotes etched into the band. Make sure you and your partner decide on what you want your wedding rings to signify, as this will help you choose the ring that’s perfect for your relationship.

Consider Your Budget. When it comes to planning your wedding, nothing is less fun – or more frustrating! – than deciding a firm budget for the big day. However, as much of a stressful topic finances can be, it’s important to talk with your partner about how much you’re going to spend on your wedding rings . This will help solidify what kind of rings you can afford without resorting to eating cold noodles for months on end – and help you avoid getting suckered in to powerful sales pitches when shopping online!

Remember Your 4Cs! If you and your partner have decided on diamond wedding rings , then it’s time to brush up on your 4 Cs again. Diamonds are priced according to their Color , Cut , Clarity and Carat , so you’ll need to decide on what makes the perfect diamond wedding ring . Are you looking for carat over cut, or are you more concerned with the diamond’s color? The more specific qualifications you have when looking for rings online, the more likely it is that you’ll find the perfect wedding ring with less hassle.

Bonus tip: many diamonds receive laser and heat treatments in order to appear more brilliant – yet this can severely undermine the quality of your diamond . Ask an online jewelry retailer to provide a GIA certificate with any potential diamond to guarantee quality.

Buy Loose. Looking for ways to cut the cost of your diamond wedding ring without resorting to the dreaded cubic zirconia? Try buying the diamond loose, then having your favorite jeweler fit them to the ring. It’s a great way to save a bit of cash, which can then be put towards that fabulous honeymoon in the Caribbean!

Don’t have a lot of time on your hands for researching wedding rings? Ask your jeweler to compare rings that are of different cuts and quality so you can better appreciate what you’ll buy with your money. Sometimes the perfect wedding ring isn’t purchased after conducting research, but when you see a ring that speaks out to you. So grab your partner, get online and look for a ring that’s as special as your love!