Gorgeous And Elegant Religious Wedding Bands At 25Karats.com

You know that the moment you exchange the perfect wedding band with the love of your life is a special moment – but did you ever stop to consider the meaning behind your religious wedding band? Whether you’re looking for a particular Christian ring design or a beautiful Jewish wedding band, 25karats has uncovered the history and symbolism behind elegant Christian and Jewish wedding rings that will add that special touch to your big day!

Both Christian and Jewish wedding bands are designed around a singular concept: that love, like the ring, has no beginning and no end. It’s thought that religious wedding bands first started during the ancient Roman period, when a man would slip a betrothal ring – usually just a simple iron band – on the finger of his loved one to signify his undying commitment. However, the tradition of exchanging unique wedding bands during the ceremony didn’t become standard practice until many centuries later. Wedding bands also evolved from the simple iron band of Roman times to unique gold and silver rings – and the religious wedding band became a popular choice for couples looking to incorporate their beliefs on their special day.

Christian wedding bands incorporate a number of religious motifs and symbols: from Jesus fish symbols and cross carvings to dove designs, a Christian wedding band represents the everlasting union between you, your loved one and God. No matter what the symbol you choose, a Christian wedding band is the perfect choice for the couple as dedicated to their faith as they are to each other.

Jewish wedding rings also incorporate religious symbols and motifs within the band. Additionally, Jewish wedding bands may also feature beautiful Hebrew script, with traditional sayings like “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine”. Many Jewish wedding bands feature the symbol of the Star of David – a perfect religious wedding band for the Jewish couple who wants to celebrate their faith as well as their union.

No matter what faith you and your loved one ascribe to, religious wedding bands can play an important part of your wedding ceremony. 25karats.com has a wide selection of gorgeous Christian and Jewish wedding bands, all of which have been expertly crafted to perfection.

Let 25karats.com be a part of your special day by celebrating the unbreakable bond between you, your loved one and God!