Myths and Mysteries of the Diamond Engagement Ring

If you’re considering buying a diamond engagement ring and proposing to your sweetheart, then congratulations are in order! Nothing beats the feeling of slipping a gorgeous diamond engagement ring on the finger of your sweetheart – and when she says yes to your proposal, you’ll feel completely over the moon.

Before you hunt down that perfect diamond engagement ring, why not learn a little more about how this tradition came about – and how accepted engagement ring “facts” are actually cleverly disguised marketing tricks:

An Engagement Ring Should Cost Three Months’ Salary. It seems like everywhere you turn, people are quick to recommend spending at least three months’ salary on your sweetheart’s diamond engagement ring. But this accepted “fact” didn’t come into existence until the 1920s – and it’s all thanks to a clever advertising campaign by De Beers, the geniuses behind the “Diamonds are Forever” slogan.

During the opulent 1920s, people had more disposable income than ever before – and they were eager to spend it. De Beers sough to capitalize on this new luxury market by developing a campaign that instructed young men as to how much they should spend on a diamond engagement ring. They recommend a minimum cost of at least three months’ salary – and the ad campaign took off like wildfire. The rest, as they say, is history!

Carat is the Most Important C. Every man knows that a good diamond ranks high on all of the four Cs – cut, color, clarity and carat – but most men tend to focus on carats as the most important C of them all. While carats certainly influence the market value of the diamond, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll get a brilliant, sparkling diamond. If you want to take your sweetheart’s breath away with a diamond that shines as much as her, find a good balance between the four Cs, with slightly more of an emphasis on cut and clarity. A clear diamond will have less blemishes and inclusions, while the right cut can make even the smallest diamond look larger than life.

You Have To Go It Alone. Planning a proposal and selecting the perfect diamond engagement ring might seem like a solo mission worthy of James Bond. But don’t underestimate all of the great support that’s out there for you. When selecting the diamond engagement ring, make sure you enlist the help of your favorite diamond jeweler. They’ll be happy to walk you through the process and help you select the best ring to suit your future bride’s tastes.

When it comes to the proposal, don’t be afraid to get some help from her close friends. When you’re down on one knee and offering her the diamond ring of her dreams, you’ll be glad that you got so much help from the engagement experts!