Want to Propose to Your Man? Here’s How

Woman-propose-to-ManWhen it comes to buying a diamond engagement ring, the popular conception is that it’s the man who goes to buy the ring for his sweetheart. But sometimes that tradition gets turned upside its head, especially with today’s increasing modern and creative couples. So if you’re still waiting for your man to propose to you, you don’t have to keep waiting for that day to come; instead, you can take matters into your own hands and propose yourself!

It might seem challenging to propose to your man, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, with a few steps, you’ll be able to let your man know just how you feel about him – and you’ll be walking down the aisle in no time.


1. You may think that you’ll need to propose with a men’s wedding band; however, diamond engagement rings exist for men as well as women. These diamond men’s rings usually have more stable settings, like channel settings and tension settings. These diamonds will typically be smaller on these rings, but make sure that they’re just as beautiful and flawless as a single diamond on a women’s engagement ring.

2. Once you have the diamond engagement ring in hand, don’t feel pressured to do things the traditional way. You don’t have to get down on one knee to propose to your boyfriend (unless you want to, of course!). Consider going for a walk with your man where you can confess how you feel about him, and present him with his diamond engagement ring. Keep in mind that your man might be a little embarrassed by any public proposals, as he may feel as though it’s his job to propose to you.

3. Make sure you plan out the proposal. Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he doesn’t want a sweet proposal! Plan out a few lines to say to your future husband, letting him know just how you feel about him. You can make it sentimental or sweet, but above all, make sure it’s true to you.

4. Your man may want to take you diamond engagement ring shopping after you propose, so make sure you have a clear idea of what you want. That way, the two of you can immediately sport all of your gorgeous diamond jewelry.

The days of waiting for your man to propose are over. Consider popping the question with a beautiful diamond ring for your man!