Ready to Pop the Question? Four Ways to Ensure the Perfect Proposal


Congrats! You’ve done it. You’ve finally found The One — a tender love for the ages. And since you’ve decided on a partner in both life and crime, you might be ready to ask the ultimate question. That’s right: the marriage proposal.

It’s a thrilling moment, one that usually requires careful planning (or bold spontaneity, if that’s your thing). But no matter what your proposal style, we’ve got four tips to make your big moment unforgettable and moderately stress free.

Consider Your Significant Other’s Schedule

Pay attention to your partner’s current workload. If your sweetheart is gearing up for a big event at the office, wrapped up in family drama, or just seems distracted, it might not be the best time to propose.

It’s good to wait until your girl or guy is relaxed and focused on spending some quality time with you. That’s why so many people propose on holiday. Carving out time to recharge our batteries puts us back in touch with the most important things in our lives.

Sure, there is no perfect time to pop the question, but don’t get so excited and.or bogged down with details that you quit noticing what’s going on with the one you love.

Decide Whether You Want a Private or Communal Affair

Are you thinking of planning a flash mob or proposing at a family party? Or is a private,  intimate stroll more up your alley? Equally important: is your love an introvert or an extrovert. Have they always dreamed of a gigantic, outlandish proposal, or are they more low key? When proposing, it’s less about your ideal and more about wowing the one you adore.

The Pros and Cons

Communal affairs can be great because they add instant drama! It’s splashy and feels like a huge, shout-it-from-the-rooftops declaration. Added bonus, you have plenty of friends and family around to document the experience. However, these events require more planning, and sometimes it’s hard to keep a secret. (Think a surprise party only bigger.)

A one-on-one proposal is romantic and special because it’s a moment only shared by you as a couple. You can also be more spontaneous with this version. While big proposals require a set date and planning, you can find a picturesque setting or beautiful moment anytime, anyplace.

Figure Out If You Want Pictures

If you want a photographer to snap the special moment, you might need to enlist a friend (or bystander) in advance. Decide whether or not this is important to you and fiancee. If not, post some pictures right after the fact. The memories will always be there.

Enlist Friends for Ring Recommendations/ Inspiration

And now for the ring. Whether or not you fancy yourself traditional or modern, the ring is a non negotiable. And honestly, ring shopping can be really fun. You’re buying her a gift that she’ll have forever!

Time to go to her closest pals and family members to determine whether or not your sweetheart has a stash of “wedding inspo” pictures. (If she has a Pinterest page, definitely check that out, too.) There’s a good chance your partner has discussed jewelry preferences with her closest friends. If you’re completely at a loss, notice the kind of jewelry your girlfriend wears: is it glamorous and “bling”, vintage, understated, modern? Do a little snooping to get a sense of her style. If all else fails, you can ask. Just try to be subtle!

There you have it! Leave your comments below.