anniversary diamond rings

Unique Ways to Wear Your Diamond Anniversary Ring

anniversary diamond rings
Anniversaries are such a special event that it can be tempting to go all out for them. But one gift seems out of bounds on anniversaries because people feel that it’s impractical or perhaps a bit awkward: the diamond anniversary ring. Why is it considered an unconventional gift? Well, for one, you already have a ring to celebrate your wedding! 

But another point of view is that your wedding jewelry collection should grow with you. In fact, you can even treat the diamond anniversary ring as a type of challenge: how to show off both great rings? You only have so many hands! Don’t worry, here are some tips to help you to show off your diamond anniversary ring in style. 

1. Double up that band!

anniversary diamond rings
One great way to wear a diamond anniversary ring is to simply stack it on top of the crown jewel: we’re talking about two rings on one finger. If you plan ahead, you can even disclose your plans of stackery to your jeweler, and he or she can help you select a diamond anniversary ring to complement the big kahuna—certain rings can even enhance your wedding ring’s effects.

If you haven’t selected your diamond anniversary ring especially for this purpose, don’t despair. You are your own boss, after all, and if you think they look nice together, that’s what’s important.

2. Switch it up and go to the right hand

If you have small fingers or don’t think your wedding ring matches your diamond anniversary ring, you can always go fully unconventional and move it to the right hand. This sassy move will have you the talk of the office! Celebrate your freedom to do as you please and put it on your right hand—new acquaintances are sure to be intrigued by your unconventional mystique.

This is perfect for the type of person who is always wearing new jewelry. In this way, the diamond anniversary ring becomes another piece of your traveling collection, but with a special meaning that you are free to share when you feel so inclined.

Upgrade Your Wedding Band

One unique idea is to throw away the idea of a new diamond anniversary ring all together, and instead go for an upgrade of your existing ring! Some couples decide that one ring is more than enough, but they don’t want to miss out on that special feeling of getting a new piece of jewelry. The answer? Upgrade that ring! You can add new stones, replace smaller diamonds with bigger ones, or even upgrade the metal the ring is set in! A good jeweler will ensure that you understand all of your options.

A diamond anniversary ring is a lasting gift

Really, no matter how you decide to wear your anniversary band, it represents a special and exciting way to celebrate your special day. This day is about you and the person you love, and you there’s no way you should feel limited by the simple fact that you already have another ring. A diamond anniversary ring is a great way to give a physical presence to this special feeling.